
Windows and doors are finally here.

Windows and doors are here.  Notice how they are strapped down, this is an  important trade secret.  We had a big wind storm one morning that blew a lot of the windows over.  Luckily  Dave's guys were on site and with some help from the cement crew were able to strap the windows down.   Even with all the quick action the master bedroom closet window did break, and will have to have the glass replaced.  We were very  lucky it wasn't a major disaster.
I'm not even sure how they hung the window with the glass broken.  The new glass is sitting in the basement waiting to be installed.

The new windows do block a bit little of the view, but I am okay with it because they are so pretty and add so much character to the house.

Nothing can ever be perfect when building a house, and  that is the case here. The transoms that go above most of the windows on the main floor have a flaw in the them that makes it so they don't align perfectly with the window below it.  Lucky for us, Kim, our window dealer, was able to get the window company to remake the flawed ones.

Some of the new windows waiting to be installed.
A word of advice to all future home builders. Never use a catalog sample to color match a paint. We did.  What  a rookie mistake.  Now the trim and windows don't match.  We might repaint all of the trim again unless we come to love the contrast. What do you think?  Yes, there is something strange going on with the paint on the siding too. Some kind of white film. It may have to be repainted also.  You know me, I love painting.
 Front doors are hard to pick, but I love the one we chose - the glass is beautiful.  It still needs to be stained or painted. Rand wants it stained and I am leaning towards painting it.  There are also a few patio doors that have been  installed around the house.  Below is a picture of the one installed by the covered patio.

I am so, so happy to have the windows and doors in. The wind has been blowing right through the house making it freezing and miserable to be on the main floor. The windows and doors are already helping block a lot of that wind and cold air.  Maybe we will be able to have a conversation upstairs instead of always heading to the basement to talk.

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