
Clearing the lot and excavation.

Our builder, Dave and I spray painting the soil where the exterior walls will go. We are  marking  the outside walls and seeing if we like the way the house fits on the lot.  Drum roll...  enter the first change in the plans. We  decide to rotate the house just a little so that we would have a straight-on view of the mountains.

 What a difference a cleared lot makes. Look at the view.  How exciting!
I love the view of the mountains.  That is the whole reason we picked this lot.  I love watching the tractor and could have sat there all day watching it work - plus the sweet smell of the dirt.  I know, I know, maybe it's house fever but that dirt smelled awesome.

Seriously, in three days, the lot has gone from trees and sage brush to a great big hole shaped just like the house. It has been fun to walk around and tell the girls what all the different spaces will be. However they are mostly interested in where their bedrooms will be. Girls!

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